Wagnerstraße Bridge

Renewal and Upgrade


  • Client:
    Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
  • Location:
    Hamburg Eilbekkanal
  • Rebuilding of road bridge
  • Span: 25 m
    Width: 19 m
  • Passage height: 3,20 m
  • Time: 2002 - 2003
  • Building costs: 2 mill. EUR
  • Our scope:
    structural and civil engineering, preparation of tender documents

Change in the city of bridges.

Who would have thought it? Hamburg has more bridges than any other city in Europe. With some 2,500 bridges, it beats rivals like Amsterdam and Venice. But in a metropolis like Hamburg, things don’t stand still. New bridges are built, old bridges must be renovated.

Wagnerstraße is a street connecting two major traffic arteries: Wandsbeker Chaussee and Hamburger Straße. It is a component of the city’s main cycle network, but is also subject to constantly increasing heavy goods traffic. The Wagnerstraße bridge, built in 1915 and spanning the Eilbek Canal, no longer had the load-bearing capacity required in today’s conditions. So the structure had to be demolished and replaced by a new one. The widths of the footpaths and cycle paths have been adapted to today’s needs, while the essential visual features of the bridge have largely been retained.

The new bridge is again a portal frame bridge. The frame comprises a thick, bow-shaped reinforced concrete deck and two frame walls, founded directly on piles by means of a spur at the rear. The crown height of the bow arch could be reduced by half. The construction dispenses with bridge bearings and expansion joints.

An incision in time.


Place of Remembrance

Hamburg HafenCity

Red rust is long gone.

The Red Bridge

Renewal and Upgrade


Hamburg’s underground railways also run above ground.

Railway Overbridge

Underground Railway

Hamburg - Hoisdorfer Landstraße