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Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Bauingenieure · Prüfingenieure für Bautechnik
Consulting structural and civil engineers · State certified reviewers

Dammtorstraße 25 (Schumacher Kontor)
DE-20354 Hamburg, Germany

Phone +49 40 415 200 0 · Fax +49 40 415 200 99

Within walking distance of our doorbell.

  • Bus stop Stephansplatz (1 walking minute): bus no. 4, 5, 34, 36, 109, 603, 604, 605
  • Subway station Stephansplatz (3 walking minutes): subway line U1
  • Subway station Gänsemarkt (3 walking minutes): subway line U2
  • Railway station Dammtorbahnhof (7 walking minutes):
    railway lines S11, S21, S31, RE7, RB61, long distance trains
  • Subway/railway station Jungfernstieg (8 walking minutes):
    subway lines U1, U2, U4, railway lines S1, S2, S3, bus lines 3, 4, 5, 6, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 109, 601, 603, 604, 605, 607, 608, 609, 640
  • Hamburg central station - Hauptbahnhof (20 walking minutes)
  • Hamburg Airport (120 walking minutes☺ - you better take the S1 or a taxi cab)