New Berth 23

Civil engineering works - Quay wall

Rostock Port

  • Client:
    Rostock Port GmbH
  • Length: c. 270 m
  • Height land elevation: c. 18 m
  • Deepenig of river bed: c. 3 m
  • Sheet piles: ca. 7.060 m²
  • Micro injection piles: c. 194
  • Bore piles: c. 95 
  • Time: 2018 - 2020
  • Building costs:
    c. 15 mill. EUR
  • Our scope:
    civil and structural engineering

Coal - still indispensible.

Berth 23 is situated on the east bank of Harbour Basin B in Rostock Port and serves for the trans-shipment of bulk goods such as coal. The coal is destined for the nearby power station which supplies energy for the port and the region.

The quay facility was built in 1962 and is now being extended by deepening and strengthening in order to be able to service larger and more powerful ships such as bulk freighters of the "Panmax Bulker" class. The harbour floor is being deepened by 3 m and the traffic load-bearing capacity on the landward side is being raised to 5 t/m².

Special conditions had to be taken into account in the planning. Thus for example the new quay wall had to be set at the smallest possible distance in front of the old quay wall in the harbour basin in order to ensure unrestricted utilisation of the existing crane and conveyor facilities. In addition, during the whole building phase, rail access to the neighbouring berths had to be kept in constant operation.

Even in changing times, coal is indispensible for energy supply to Germany’s industries. The new Berth 23 is thus a small but important part of our essential provision.

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