Progress in construction.

Space for something new - housing replaces church buildings.

20.03.2024 - Foundation work completed. Start of second construction phase for new residential quarter in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg.

On the site of the Paul Gerhardt Church, which was demolished in 2019, five detached 4-to-6-storey residential buildings are being built on behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church District of Hamburg East. At least two thirds of the approximately 90 apartments will be barrier-free. In addition to housing, space will also be created for a meeting room and a pastor's office. The communal character of the neighbourhood is also reflected in the centrally located grass and recreational areas.

The special soil conditions made deep foundations necessary. For this, around 265 cast-in-place concrete displacement piles were produced, taking existing obstacles in the building land into account. The buildings are scheduled for completion at the end of 2024.
